As we approach Independence Day weekend Bollywood will witness a big clash at the box office. Two of the most awaited movies are scheduled to release on the same day. Gadar 2 and OMG 2 will lock horns on 11th August 2023. Both movies have a massive fan base and it is wondered which film will perform well at the box office. After many speculations, Sunny Deol who is headlining the Gadar: The Katha Continues sequel of 2001 released Gadar has finally opened up on a clash with Akshay Kumar starrer Oh My God 2.
Ever since it was announced Gadar 2 and OMG 2 will release on the same day audience are eager to know what the makers thought about the competition. In an interview with Aaj Tak, Sunny Deol was asked to comment on the clash. The actor admitted there was a competition when Gadar and Lagaan were released. At that time people were siding with Aamir Khan starrer however, Sunny Deol didn’t think much and with a positive thought, he moved ahead like will see whatever happens. After the release Gadar: Ek Prem Katha performed phenomenally as compared to Lagaan. He confessed to not watching Lagaan but says it is a very good film. Also Read – Gadar 2: Sunny Deol talks about nepotism; says ‘it is being spread by those people who are frustrated’
Right now, citing the advance booking, Gadar 2 has a positive response as compared to Oh My God 2. Gadar: The Katha Continues has already sold over 30,000 tickets for day 1. It is expected that the film will see a grand opening similar to that of Shah Rukh Khan starrer Pathaan. On, the other hand, Akshay Kumar’s OMG 2 also has a favorable report in advance booking. However, the ticket sale of Sunny Deol’s film is more than Akshay Kumar’s movie.